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Top 5 Hollow Knight Charms

Jul 28

3 min read




With 40 charms to choose from, there are plenty of combinations players can choose in Hollow Knight. Whether players want to go for a nail build or a spell build, or a combination of both, there are many amazing charms to enhance gameplay. Today, I will be counting down some of my favorite charms from the game, including why I chose them, where to find them, and how they enhance my particular play style.

5. Unbreakable Strength

This charm is an upgraded version of the charm Fragile Strength, which can be purchased from Leg Eater in the Fungal Wastes. Unbreakable Strength is then obtained by summoning the Grimm Troupe and speaking to Divine, who will consume Fragile Strength and offer Unbreakable Strength for 15,000 Geo. The charm increases the amount of damage done with the nail, and does not break upon death. As someone who prefers a nail-based build, unbreakable strength is often in my line-up of charms. It allows me to get through fights faster, and focus more on dodging rather than brute forcing damage.

4. Grubsong

This one is a charm often forgotten about when choosing a set of charms to use. This charm is fairly easy to get, as you receive it from the Grubfather after rescuing 10 Grubs. Of the one notch cost charms, Grubsong takes the cake for me. It is useful in difficult platforming sections where gathering Soul from enemies is not an option, or in boss fights. While the charm does not provide enough Soul to heal right away (provides 15 Soul with 33 needed to heal), in difficult boss fights where I am more likely to take damage this charm shines. The cheap notch cost and benefit in difficult combat makes Grubsong one of my favorites.

3. Sharp Shadow

Sharp Shadow is a charm that damages enemies when you dash through them with the Shade Cloak. It also increases the length of the dash. This charm is in Deepnest, and reqires the Shade Cloak to get as it is behind a Shade Gate. As a dodge first, damage when possible player, I use Sharp Shadow to continue to damage enemies while still being able to dodge to safety. This is especially useful in boss fights such as Nightmare King Grimm, where the fight is fast-paced and requires a lot of learning. The charm helps me learn fights quicker, as dodging and taking my time with damage allows me time to observe the boss and their patterns.

2. Grimmchild

If you couldn't tell by the high placement of this charm on the list, I ususally choose to fight NKG instead of banishing the Grimm Troupe. While it is certainly the more difficult route, obtaining a fully upgraded Grimmchild charm makes the struggle worth it. Grimmchild summons a companion that follows you and shoots scarlet flame, which deals a small amount of damage to enemies that it hits. The charm is not as useful when you first receive it from Grimm, but the Grimmchild deals more damage as it is upgraded, dealing 11 damage in its final Phase. As I mentioned with Sharp Shadow, my play style includes a lot of dodging and getting in nail attacks when there is ample time. The Grimmchild is very useful for this strategy, as it consistently deals damage to enemies when I am unable to.

1. Shape of Unn

Most players have a charm that they cannot live without, one that they rely on more than any other. Shape of Unn is that charm for me. I don't see this charm make it onto a lot of people's lists, and honestly that is fair. It does not enhance nail or spell use. It is also a bit hidden away, requiring Isma's Tear to receive the charm from Unn underneath the Lake of Unn. Shape of Unn allows the player to move while they focus Soul in order to heal. Despite it not being the most popular charm, I find that it makes many boss fights much easier, as you can heal while still being able to dodge attacks. A particular fight I find this charm useful in is the Oblobbles, as I can heal while still avoiding the fast-paced projectiles. Combined with its minimal two notch cost, this charm is a must have for all of my playthroughs of Hollow Knight.

That is my list! I hope that everyone enjoys, and finds some of the information provided to be useful for their own playthroughs. Hollow Knight is truly a gem, and many of the charms make it that much more fun to play. I would love to hear your favorite charm loadout in the comments!

Happy Gaming!

Jul 28

3 min read





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