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A Guide To Kamaeru Bioscores

Jul 20

3 min read




Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge is a new game that allows the player to restore wetlands, breed new frogs, and create a frog paradise. The adorable graphics and cozy soundtrack keep the player completely immersed as they play. But how do you go about reaching a perfect bioscore in your wetlands? This completionist has the answer! Below is a guide to achieving the perfect bioscore in your wetlands for Kamaeru.

What is a Bioscore?

Your bioscore is determined by two things: biodiversity and carbon capture. Carbon capture is the amount of plants and ponds you have in your wetlands, whereas biodiversity is how balanced the amount of plants and ponds you have is. The more balanced the environment, the higher the biodiversity. These two factors make up your total bioscore.

Plants and Ponds

In the main wetland area, you have three types of plants available for purchases: reeds, berry bushes, and cattails. You also have six types of ponds that you can place. In order to achieve a perfect bioscore, you will need to have an equal amount of each plant in your wetland, as well as the same amount in any type of pond. For example, if you have 20 of each plant type, you will need to have 20 ponds.


Megaponds are the easiest way to increase your carbon capture and overall bioscore in the wetlands. Certain pond types can be combined in order to create one larger pond. These larger ponds attract different types of insects depending on which one you create. To help you on your way, here is a photo (found in game) of how to create each type of megapond, and the insects that each one attracts: 

Placement of Ponds and Plants

To start creating your perfect frog paradise, I recommend placing as many ponds as the space will allow, creating as many megaponds as possible and then fitting in the smaller ponds where there is room. Make sure to leave a few tiles here and there where you can place plants around your ponds. For example, here is a screenshot of part of my wetlands as a guide for placement:

As you can see, I have a good mix of regular ponds and megaponds, with plants placed in the spaces that are too small to fit a full pond (as well as some happy frogs hanging out in my ponds!!). When placing plants, I recommend cycling through and placing one type of plant at a time so that you can keep an even amount of each plant in your wetlands.

A Perfect Bioscore

Overall, I have found that you will need at least 25 of each plant and 25 ponds to achieve a perfect bioscore. As shown by the screenshot of wetland information, I achieved a perfect bioscore by placing 27 ponds and 27 of each plant, which is the max amount that I was able to fit in my area. However, with some clever planning, it is possible to place over 30 of each plant and 30 ponds! It is all up to you and how packed you want your wetlands to look.

And that is how to achieve the perfect bioscore in the wetlands in Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge! Overall, remember to have fun while designing. Perfection takes time and effort, but the main point of the game is to have fun making happy frog friends.

Happy Gaming!!

Jul 20

3 min read





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